Free Time in the Classroom

Ways to add the NEEDED “spontaneity” in your classroom! 👇

We have packed schedules and there is no time for free or “spontaneity” time, yet this is STILL CRUCIAL for students.

Have you tried one of these things?!

🧠 free time to play: structured games are awesome, but they do NOT replace FREE PLAY!
🧠 free time to write – creative writing
🧠 free time to read what THEY want
🧠 genius hour where students choose what to investigate, do, construct, etc.
🧠 choice to show how and what they have learned
🧠 free time to reflect and write about what they have learned or experience at school
🧠 time and space for calm time
🧠 more contact with nature

Benefits of free time
➡️ creativity
➡️ relaxation
➡️ enhances cognitive functions
➡️ improves behavior and social skills
➡️ improves long-term memory
➡️ improves problem-solving skills
➡️ emotional balance
➡️ self-regulation

Harms of not having down time:
❗poor resilience
❗cognitive load

For MANY more tips, check this guide!

In-person Teaching Tips

I am teaching in person and virtually AT THE SAME TIME.

The following things have been my life saver and I wanted to share them with you!

I share more items here:
I also have a lot of tips as how to arrange your student desks in a way that meet your students’ brain needs:

For MANY more tips for in-person (AND VIRTUALLY) teaching, check this guide!

Love, Yanina