Virtual Teaching Tips (in person too!)

Why is pencil better than using a screen? Here it is! ��

✏ Memory and retention. Writing involves more senses and motor neurons than using a screen.

✏ Relaxation

✏ Creativity

✏ Handwriting forces your brain to mentally engage with the information, improving both literacy and reading comprehension.

✏ Write your dreams and goals with your own hands!

✏ Flow

✏ Engages the brain

✏ Focus the brain

✏ Calms the brain

Let’s have our students use more PENCIL, even during virtual learning!

For MANY more tips, check this guide!

Brain-based At Home Learning

Do you see papers everywhere at home?
Are you worried that your child is overwhelmed?
Enjoy these practical and brain-based tips to build 3 mini-learning spaces at home
that meet your children’s brain needs!

Listen here!

Love, Yanina

(I just did a LIVE in my FB group to explain all this.
Head over to belong to an awesome community of teacher who love using brain science
at school and at home!)

If you would like your teacher friend to receive these brain tips too
send her/him this link!

I am a teacher and a mom of two children who MOVED schooling to my kitchen table! Who else had this invasion?!!!
Well, I decided to use the same brain principles that I always tell you and apply them at home!

It is totally OK to use your kitchen table for homework, BUT you and I know that we are having school at home for an indefinite period of time due to this crisis. SO, why not making learning spaces that meet your children’s needs at home.

This is how: Try to have 3 spaces or corners for each of your students’ different brain needs.

One corner for ENGAGING/ENERGIZING the brain:
in this corner bring all your crafts, supplies, art supplies, puzzles, exercise videos, bright posters, bright lights… and everything you can think of to have an inviting corner for your child to come when they feel being creative. Sometimes, it is time for lunch or something else, and you don’t have to ask her to put everything away because you are going to use that table for lunch! That way, that project can be there still inviting your child to come back when she feels like resuming it! Having this dedicated space for this, is a continual invitation to be creative, energized and engaged!

One corner for FOCUSING the brain: this corner needs to be tidier, emptier, and with less stuff. Just provide here flash cards, books to read, videos for lessons your child needs to watch, etc! This space is a continual invitation to keep learning and it will be there when you need it! You don’t have to get rid of all the elements in this corner when it is time for lunch, because you have a set space that gives your child a new normal and something that is always in the same space waiting for them!

One corner for CALMING the brain: this corner can have dim lights, soft music, audio lessons, podcasts, sensory bins, coloring books, journals… you never know when your child can feel overwhelmed for all of this and needs a space and time to reset. Having this set space will be a continual invitation to relax in order to be focused or engaged again!

I have a CHECK LIST for each one of these corners, you can print them here!

Love, Yanina

(I just did a LIVE in my FB group to explain all this.
Head over to belong to an awesome community of teacher who love using brain science at school and at home!)